For this payment method, an email will be sent to you with instructions on how to send your payment.
Instructions on the website after selecting this payment method:
1. Log in to the e-mail you've provided during checkout
2. Look for an e-mail from HowToPay ( Check your spam too if you don't see it in your inbox. Open the e-mail
3. Log into your online banking account choose Zelle payments, fill out the details according to the e-mail instructions. If you are using Zelle for the first time you have to enroll in the program first.
Do not use Zelle App, use your online banking app instead (or open your online banking account in your browser.
Please make sure to follow the instructions on the email and to enter the corresponding information, otherwise, we won't be able to process your order or process a refund if we did not receive the payment.
Zelle payments
-Please use Zelle from your banking app and choose business (if asked). Enter the information that is on the email that was sent to you. Please note that this is very important. You will only need the following info to send your payment via Zelle (through your banking app):
- Zelle ID:
- Reference #:
- Account Type: (Business)
- Company Name:
- Amount
Enter the Reference # ONLY in the description/reference field, NOTHING ELSE.
If asked, our merchant zip is 33305.
Zelle Transaction Limits
The limit on a transaction value is set by the customer's bank. This is not something that we have control of. You will need to direct the customer to contact their bank and increase this amount.
Zelle Transactions from the Zelle App
Unfortunately, the Zelle app does not allow business payments when a debit card is connected. The Zelle app was designed for a person to person payments and not a person to business payments.
Zelle will only work to businesses when the customer processes the Zelle payment directly from their bank account.
You should be directed to log into their bank account and select Zelle in the payment methods.
After sending your payment, you should receive a confirmation email from Zelle/Local Bank Transfer and from Swiss Chems. Please note that once the payment is received in our account, that would be the time when a confirmation email regarding your order will be sent to you. If it's not yet in our account, the status of your order will be sent to Pending Payment.
Should you need additional assistance regarding this, please send us an email at or by chatting with us.